Wednesday, November 26, 2008

I Don't Know What To Say...

I have zero opinions on most things. Or perhaps too many and they cancel each other out. I honestly tried very hard to give a correspondent my take on voice theft and voicelessness and then gave up.

I think it must have something to do with the way I was brought up. Aye, fear is a killer of the mind. Oh, but we survived, because we knew how to make light of things. Which is why it's very difficult for me to think too hard, unless I can spin my thoughts into a novel and see through many eyes :)

But before I write my next novel, I want to gather some boldness, which is why I'm here. Previously I wrote to Mailclan, an email network of my in-laws. Just to, yes, just to get my voice going. But now I want to keep a larger audience in mind and a spoonful of sugar is all I need to have me feeling less inhibited.

Someone asked me recently, Are you vegetarian? That word always causes in me a moment of hesitation. Back where I come from, in the neighborhood where I lived, we didn't use the word vegetarian because we were all vegetarians. It was the Non-vegetarian that needed any special tag. And then, when I'm asked about my take on vegetarianism, I don't know what to say. Is it all right for me to not to eat meat but enjoy all other material things which cause big forests and entire eco-systems to be destroyed? A book, a computer, a car, a plane ride would not be there for my taking if it weren't for the loss of many a beautiful creature. So I don't have any opinions on vegetarianism either.

Turkeys must be taking refuge in your house for Thanksgiving, someone remarks.

And I don't know what to say.


Razigan said...

You seem to have picked up a bad habit of voicing against the existence. The correct way is to understand and surrender to the laws of nature.

God have created or the existence of the living being is by consuming other living beings. There is a dynamic equillibrium exists where the shift is towards generation, than the consumption.

Rima Kaur said...

one doesnt need to have an opinion on everything. also, if you dont have anything to say, it doesnt always mean youre confused.

Anu Jayanth said...

Perhaps, Razigan, but I find vegetables and grains a whole lot more palatable. To each her own :)

And Rima, I often have a lot to say about many things, it's just that I find it hard to stay with one opinion. Except, of course, on certain issues (I'm sure I'll yak about those sometime).

Sailor said...

I agree with Rima that you don't need to have an opinion on everything but clearly you have an opinion on eating meat. You are to thine own self being true (sorry William)and you don't have to defend your choice before anyone and certainly not against any criticism that it is only a fragment of a solution to the woes of the world. It is a crime to, in the belief that you cannot do enough, do nothing.

Anu Jayanth said...

Of course, I felt strongly about several issues, which was why I wrote The Finger Puppet. But I find it easier to introduce my thoughts in my many characters rather than as myself. By the way, Vedprakash is completely fictional but he echoes my beliefs. So does Cordelia and all the rest. I do have some strong likes and dislikes but my opinions seem to be everchanging :)